Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How we got in to this mess - a video

So, we’ve been hooked on the screen cast thing around here lately. First it was the podcasts, then the 30-second news clips (starring yours truly as a talking head) and now we’re on to the screen casts. In this video I cover some of the rudimentary top-level actions that got us in to this mortgage and credit mess. Not deep economic theory, not really anything deep - just a cursory look at the problems articulated by yours truly.

View the video here.

While this clip is geared for the Realtors out there, consumers will surely find the overview of the problem valuable.

One note of disclosure. This presentation is not mine, not the words, not the slides. You see, lots of mortgage people pay for prepackaged information that comes to them at different intervals. There are many services that provide this type of information. We get to use it as our own as part of advisor-based marketing. Lots of people use it, most don’t say that they didn’t come up with it. Personally, I find most of it disingenuous and therefore don’t use it. It’s usually too salesy. However; I thought this piece was worthy of passing on, but not worthy of passing off as my own.


[Source: Blown Mortgage]

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